Tell Me Something Good!

Today, I am feeling appalled. Appalled that while our media dedicates massive resources to the coverage of the excesses of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, the people of Haiti have been reduced to eating “mud cookies,” literally made of dirt; appalled that the words “ethnic cleansing” are still uttered in the present tense; and appalled that hardworking people face losing their homes because of the subprime lending mess. Globally, wealthy governments and industry leaders have the power to make a difference, but unfortunately, it seems that unless there is something “in it for them,” they choose not to.

In an era where there is much discussion about awareness in regard to environmental issues, socially responsible practices and humanitarian aid, I am left wondering if there is anyone out there really taking the lead.

In the immortal words of Stevie Wonder, I want you to “tell me something good.” If you or someone in your company is involved in some sort of philanthropic activity, tell me. If your company is taking an active stance on humanitarian issues or the environment, tell me. All acts of human kindness make a difference, and I am interested in reporting your stories to the Promo Marketing community.

So come on, tell me something good!

E-mail me at [email protected]

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